PrezPride. Founded Here.
Leading the Way
Morgan Mattingly '14
“Through my experiences at W&但是,我意识到我更愿意成为实地工作的一部分,而不是观察它. 这种学习从未停止,至今仍指引着我.”
Leading the Way
Neil Pandit '23
Leading the Way
Zivya Sutton '23
“The beauty and benefit of W&J is being open to all that you can.”
Proving Professional Readiness
“你和每个人的每一次互动都很重要,”马扎回忆起自己的实习经历时说. “你必须继续考虑大局,继续前进.”
Exploring with Magellan
“我认为(麦哲伦计划)是一个绝佳的机会,这位西格玛Tau Delta和Pi Gamma Mu荣誉协会的成员说. “I put my heart and soul into my proposal, tweaking every minute detail to make it perfect, 知道麦哲伦委员会相信我能实现我的目标, meant validating, not only my efforts, but my personal and intellectual goals as well.”
Prez Positivity
W&J History
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