prez pride

PrezPride. Founded Here.

Leading the Way

Morgan Mattingly '14

Through my experiences at W&但是,我意识到我更愿意成为实地工作的一部分,而不是观察它. 这种学习从未停止,至今仍指引着我.

Leading the Way


Leading the Way

“The beauty and benefit of W&J is being open to all that you can.”

W&J junior John Rosario (J.R.)马扎在篮球场上防守韦恩堡的对手.

Proving Professional Readiness

John Rosario (J.R.) Mazza '24

“你和每个人的每一次互动都很重要,”马扎回忆起自己的实习经历时说. “你必须继续考虑大局,继续前进.”


Exploring with Magellan

Jillian Curtis '23

“我认为(麦哲伦计划)是一个绝佳的机会,这位西格玛Tau Delta和Pi Gamma Mu荣誉协会的成员说. “I put my heart and soul into my proposal, tweaking every minute detail to make it perfect, 知道麦哲伦委员会相信我能实现我的目标, meant validating, not only my efforts, but my personal and intellectual goals as well.”

Prez Positivity

W&J History



Renovations to Clark Family Library

克拉克家庭图书馆(Clark Family Library)进行了全面的内部翻新和外部升级. Grant Miller Library, were completed in May. 这个项目是由理查德(1968届)和安吉拉·克拉克(Angela Clark)捐赠的一笔巨额资金资助的, 由其他慷慨的捐赠者捐赠给学院.

James David Ross Family Recreation Center

詹姆斯·大卫·罗斯家庭娱乐中心于4月开业. 30,000平方英尺的设施设有步行/跑步跑道, multi-sport athletic courts, a new wrestling room, and a general exercise room, 再加上新的办公室和体育部门的招聘空间. It is named for the family of lead donor David A. Ross ’78.

Dr. 约翰·C. Knapp Joins W&J

Dr. 约翰·C. Knapp became the 13th president of Washington & Jefferson College. Dr. Knapp是一位国际知名的作家和演说家,在教育领域具有领导经验, non-profit, and business sectors.

Dr. Tori Haring-Smith Retires

Dr. Tori Haring-Smith retired as president.

Janet Swanson Tennis Center

珍妮特·斯旺森网球中心于9月开放,是美国网球协会的主场&J men’s and women’s tennis teams.

约翰一. Swanson Science Center

约翰一. 斯旺森科学中心成立,致力于物理科学研究, including Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Bioinformatics.

Uncommon Achievements

托丽·哈林-史密斯成为第一位担任华盛顿总统的女性 & Jefferson College. Under Haring-Smith’s leadership, 学院发起了屡获殊荣的麦哲伦计划, 建造了最先进的珍妮特·斯旺森网球中心, 超过了其Uncommon Bond筹资活动设定的1亿美元目标, established the 英语 Language Institute…

The 伯内特 Center

伯内特中心设有经济与商业系、现代语言系和教育系. It was named after Howard J. 伯内特.

Increased Enrollment


Growth and Community Engagement

Under Brian C. Mitchell, who served as president from 1998 to 2004, 学院经历了建设的增长,并努力改善与邻近社区的关系.

Retirement of President Howard 伯内特

Howard 伯内特 retired as president.

Program Expansion

Howard J. 伯内特就任校长,并聘请了学院的第一位女教员和第一位女院长. 学院还采用了新的学术日历,包括课间休息,并扩大了其学术课程,包括创业研究项目, the Freshman Forum, 以及一些国际合作教育项目.

Women Admitted


Curriculum Revisions and Construction

博伊德·克拉姆林·帕特森(Boyd Crumrine Patterson)担任校长,监督课程修订和一些建筑物的建设, including the Henry Memorial Center, ten Greek housing units in the center of campus, 美国. 格兰特·米勒图书馆、学生中心、公共场所和两个新宿舍. 他的筹款能力使学院的捐款从……

New Dorms Constructed

James Herbert Case, Jr., who was president from 1946 to 1950, 建造了几个新宿舍,以容纳在G计划下涌入的退伍军人.I. 比尔.

Renovations to McMillan Hall

James D. 莫法特亲自支付了麦克米伦大厅的装修费用.


James D. 莫法特领导了一段时期的增长,当时学院建造了老体育馆, Hays Hall, Thompson Memorial Library, and Thistle Physics Building. 被称为“旧集市”的土地也被购买.”

Consolidation Upheld

美国最高法院支持这一合并, allowing the newly configured college to proceed.

Effort to Overturn Consolidation

Before the merger could be completed, 卡农斯堡的居民和杰斐逊学院的支持者提起了一场被称为宾夕法尼亚大学案件的诉讼, which sought to overturn the consolidation plan.

Jonathan Edwards

On April 4th, Jonathan Edwards, 一位来自巴尔的摩的牧师,曾任汉诺威学院院长, 被选为华盛顿统一后的第一任总统 & Jefferson College.

Washington & Jefferson College

Following the Civil War, 这两所学院都缺乏学生和资金, causing them to join together as Washington & Jefferson College.

Washington College

马修·布朗请求宾夕法尼亚州议会授予华盛顿学院特许状, 允许它被重新命名为华盛顿学院.

Canonsburg Academy

卡农斯堡学院改组为杰斐逊学院, John McMillan担任董事会首任主席.

Whiskey Rebellion

During the Whiskey Rebellion, 大卫·布拉德福德的部分民兵驻扎在山坡上,这里后来成为统一后的华盛顿所在地 & Jefferson College.

Founding of College

The Beginning: Three Log Cabins

Washington & 杰斐逊学院的起源可以追溯到由边疆牧师约翰·麦克米兰建立的三所木屋学院, Thaddeus Dod, and Joseph Smith.

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