Our story begins with three leaders creating three colleges on the American frontier. 从那以后,华盛顿 & det365app has emerged as a leading institution with a storied history of doers, 梦想家, 成就者:参议员和国会议员, 名人堂成员, 美国国家橄榄球联盟专员, 首席执行官们, 主席和太空旅行者. 200多年来,W&J产生了伦理道德, 全面发展的, informed leaders in all fields and a strong alumni network to support the next generation.
华盛顿的历史 & det365app
Founded in 1781, right after the end of the battles for American independence, W&J has its origins in three log cabin colleges established by three graduates of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton). 后不久, two of those initial founders joined together as the first trustees for the newly charted 华盛顿 Academy, 后来的华盛顿学院. The other founder became headmaster of Canonsburg学院, later det365app. 他的学生加入了他的新学院. Finally, in 1865, 华盛顿大学 and det365app unified, establishing 华盛顿 & det365app. 从那时起, Juncta Juvant: 共同繁荣.
W&J继续领先, 培养有口译能力的人, 分析, 批判, 创新, 传达雇主最看重的技能. With a practical and liberating arts and sciences curriculum that reflects our history and looks to the future, det365app很自豪能成为美国最古老的大学之一.
78% 学生少于20人的班级
117 全职教师人数
92% 拥有终身制学位的全职终身教职人员
2024 - 25日登记
709/597 男女比例
1160 SAT中期50%(仅限批判性阅读和数学部分)
26 ACT考试中50%(仅限批判性阅读和数学部分)
100% 接受某种经济援助的学生
84% of financial aid awarded as "gift aid" - meaning no repayment is required
在W&J, we guarantee that all students who meet academic expectations will graduate in four years. From the day you arrive on campus, you will experience first-hand how we deliver on our promise. 课堂内外, you will receive undivided attention from our dedicated faculty and staff, helping you every step of the way to explore and uncover your passions and academic opportunities.
华盛顿的使命 & 杰斐逊学院的宗旨是培养正直非凡的人, competence and maturity who are effective lifelong learners and responsible citizens, and who are prepared to contribute substantially to the world in which they live.
为此目的, 学院促进技能的发展, 知识, personal qualities and a worldview that characterizes a well-educated person. W的生活和学习环境的所有组成部分&J是为了支持这一使命而设计和设计的.
华盛顿的集体目标 & det365app aim to enhance the College's overall educational environment, 学生的经验, 社区参与, 增长与创新, 以及长期的可持续性. 目标包括:
- 为学生提供变革性教育, 提倡终身学习,提倡负责任的公民意识.
- 创造一种吸引人的、个性化的、包容的大学体验.
- Attract, support and retain a diverse and talented community of students, staff and faculty.
- Encourage and support creativity and innovation in all aspects of college life.
- Ensure a welcoming and thriving campus environment through responsible resource stewardship, sustainable infrastructure development and cultivation of philanthropic relationships.
- Strengthen campus community bonds and engage meaningfully with alumni, 更广泛的社区和世界.